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Développement :

Testeurs :
Annette, bacchus, Eline, Jerko, Kiltran, laMouetteRieuse, maamseypa, mino, rapblues, SunFlower, toki, vronick

Thèmes visuels :
rapblues, Jerko, bacchus

enUser interface - Ratings


The ratings allow you to see your level and that of other players.They appear to the right of each name :

The initial rating for each player is 1600 points. It's updated after each game, depending on the result and the respective level of the players involved.
The formula proposed by player badtoper, is as follows:
Gain or loss of Player A Player B = 16 / (1 +10 ^ ((A rating - rating B) / 800)) (^= exponent)
For example, if player1 has a rating of 2000 points and player2 a rating of 1600 points, this formula gives:
-In the case of a victory by player1: 16 / (1 +10 ^ (2000-1600)) = 3.84 points won and lost by player1 and player2 respectively
-In the case of a victory by player2: 16 / (1 +10 ^ (1600-2000)) = 12.16 points won and lost by player2 and player1 respectively
(Mathematicians will see that: gain + loss (by 3.84 + 12.16) = 16 points)
As you can see, player1 has many more points to win, and much less to lose than player2. This is to compensate for the difference in level between the two players.
So, if your opponent is strong compared to you, the more points you will gain if you win. If they're weaker, the less point you will gain.
If the two players have the same rating, the gain and loss are the same: 8 points. The gain or loss is maximum (about 16 points) when both players have at least 1,200 points of difference.
In games of 3 or 4 players, each loser gives the winner the points he would have lost if he had played against them in a 1 vs 1 game. For example, in a 4 player game where all the players have the same rating, each loser will see their rating fall by 8 points.The winner will win the sum of the points lost by his opponents, or 3x8 = 24 points.

How to easily evaluate the points won or lost?
Before you play against another player, you will probably wonder how many points you stand to win or lose at the end of the game.
For this, there's no need to get out your calculator. Potential gains or losses are shown at the bottom of each table waiting for players :

That shows that if you play against Tweedledum, you will earn 10.2 points for a win and lose 5.8 for a loss.

Viewing player statistics

To display the number of games played and the percentage of wins and losses by a player, position the mouse cursor over the player's rating (without clicking!).The statistics are displayed in a tooltip :

They also appear when you hover your mouse over the rating of a player inside a table :

These statistics do not take into account unrated games (see the last section of this article).

The classification

To display the ranking score, click the "Player Statistics" in the lobby :

By default, the table is sorted by decreasing scores. If for example you want to sort alphabetically, click the header "Name".

Only player names connected at least once to the game in the last 30 days appear in this ranking.

This also applies to the "Top 10" displayed on the home page. If you want to reappear in the rankings after a long absence, just reconnect.

Unrated games

Games can be played which do not have an affect on rating. These are known as "unrated games".
If you want to start an unrated game, click game options and uncheck "Rated Game" :

An "unrated table" can be identified by the colour, which is lighter than a "rated table". For example, if you use the colour scheme 'Deep Black', an unrated table will show as grey. The ratings of players at an unrated table will also show in brackets :

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