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Développement :

Testeurs :
Annette, bacchus, Eline, Jerko, Kiltran, laMouetteRieuse, maamseypa, mino, rapblues, SunFlower, toki, vronick

Thèmes visuels :
rapblues, Jerko, bacchus

deSpielregeln - Game options

Game options

There are two options for rated games:

- the option to prevent stealing a word with an 'S' plural on the end
- the option to clear the board

By combing them, these options offer four types of games :

- No S steals, no clearing (NSNP)
- S steals allowed, no clearing of the board (uncommon)
- No S steals, with clearing (No S)
- S steals allowed, clearing allowed (No rules)

Changing options

The options selected by the captain of a table are indicated by the following symbols :

 S steals allowed
 No S steals
 No clearing
 Clearing allowed

The options below show a game which has no S steals and does not allow for the board to be cleared (NSNP) :

If you set a table you can choose the options you want by clicking "options" either from the lobby or once on the table :

Only the "captain" can change the game options before the game is started :

"No S" games

In a "No S" game, although you cannot steal a word with an 'S' on the end...

(this word is rejected and an error message is displayed : You cannot steal a word with an S plural in this game)

... you may place an 'S' next to a single letter :

When you choose the option to clear the board, its appearance will change from...

... to :

The eight pink squares will clear the board if a letter from a valid word is placed on them.

The twenty orange boxes are 'bonus squares'. When you play a word on these you earn a bonus point which is redeemed when you clear the board and can give a significant score advantage.

The number of bonus earned by each player is shown below their name :

Once the board is cleared the bonus points for all players are reset to 0.

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